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Logo Brons 2020 Gelderland
Logo Brons 2020 Gelderland

The VSM has a large number of historic steam locomotives.

Most locomotives come from Germany. Two locomotives come from Poland, one machine comes from Austria. In addition to steam locomotives, the VSM also owns many diesel locomotives, mainly historical Dutch ones. From small shunting locomotors to large Dutch line diesels.

Naturally, the VSM also has various carriages in addition to locomotives. Varying from the ‘Austrians’, loved by travellers for their open balconies, and the Dutch historical carriages Mat’24, also called ‘Blocks boxes’, to the luxury carriages of the former Wagons-Lits or Mitropa, with their extensive kitchens and luxury seating, used on brunch and dinner rides.

Freight wagons are also present at the VSM. Think of various open and closed freight wagons, stake wagons, tank wagons, self-unloaders and silage wagons.

Steam Locomotives

Diesel Locomotives


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