Support the VSM!
The VSM also needs your support to maintain our moving railway museum. As a supporter you support the maintenance of our historic locomotives and carriages.
You are already a supporter with a minimum contribution of € 22.50 per calendar year. You will receive our information sheet De Koppelstang three times a year. Here we inform you in words and pictures about the activities of and at VSM. If you contribute € 35 or more, you will receive a free ticket in addition to De Koppelstang, which entitles you to a train journey for one person on one of the riding days of the VSM.
For supporters who live outside the Netherlands we ask a € 5 higher contribution, so a minimum contribution of € 27.50 and € 40 respectively. This due to the higher costs for shipping De Koppelstang.
You can register by depositing your contribution into one of the following bank accounts:
ING bank: NL83 INGB 0004 1441 12 (Stichting Veluwsche Stoomtrein Maatschappij);
Rabobank: NL62 RABO 0393 3923 33 (Stichting Veluwsche Stoomtrein Maatschappij),
stating ‘New supporter’.
We request that you state your full address and any email address in the ‘remarks’ when you make your transfer.
You can also use your contribution to support various projects, such as the revision of the 80 036. You can transfer your contribution to these projects by transferring the desired amount to our bank account under the description of ‘Fonds’ with the locomotive number.
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De Koppelstang
“De Koppelstang” is the newsletter of the VSM Foundation and is published three times a year for all donors of the VSM Foundation. In the Koppelstang with all the usual information, such as the short news and various photos, all kinds of pieces, reports and atmospheric stories about VSM-related activities.